Take time out with this delightful blend of blueberries and South African Rooibos.
Also available as loose.
Type: Herbal infusion - naturally caffeine free.
Ingredients: Rooibos, Blueberry, natural Blueberry flavoring, Red Rose petals, natural Acai flavoring.
Brewing: 3-5 minutes at approx. 100°C
A relaxing and soothing herbal infusion of whole chamomile flowers. Perfect just before bedtime.
Type: Herbal infusion - naturally caffeine free.
Ingredients: Chamomile.
Brewing: 3-5 minutes at approx. 100°C
A simple refreshing and soothing infusion of chopped peppermint leaves.
Type: Herbal infusion - naturally caffeine free.
Ingredients: Peppermint.
Brewing: 3-5 minutes at approx. 100°C